June 2018

Im Gare-d´Austerlitz-Bahnhof in Paris wird man derzeit von einem Triceratops Dinosaurier überrascht. Das täuschend echte Dinosauriermodell entstand als Werbeobjekt für die paläontologische Ausstellung im Pariser Museum National d´Historie und wurde mit Hilfe von einem Massivit 1800 3D-Drucker hergestellt.
France-based out of home (OHH) print provider creates ultra-realistic 3m-tall prehistoric creature to promote new palaeontology exhibition.
Channel letters are probably the most popular way stores and businesses display their name to the passing public. This is good for sign makers because these built-up-letter signs are everywhere. But they’re all pretty much alike. Not any more. 3D printing technology might make your channel letter machine obsolete, and open up new opportunities for your business
Jeff Burt, owner and CEO of EclipseCorp in Columbus, Ohio, talks about the immediate impact the Massivit 1800 3D printer has had on his business.
There is so much going on in 3D printing right now. New materials, new applications, and greater adoption across industries. One area that has been long predicted but never really practical is now making a big splash.
Do you get excited when you discover new tech?